The idea is to create Imaginator cards as they are coming from a lack of abstract visual games that are understandable for kids and interesting and mind-bending for adults. Graphic compositions are dreamy and unique. They were created consistently by adding figures that have the same style and technique but vary by their meaning and message. This principle triggers different strings of players that bring various associations uniques to each person. Every deck of Imaginator cards includes 50 questions for those who dare to imagine and grow. Each card has a unique abstract design, representing our inner world of dreams, experiences, stories, and ideas. All questions are centered on imagination and a growth mindset. They will make you laugh, think, wonder and dream. Each card has two equally important sides. The abstract images on one side are designed for imagination and association games. The questions on the other side are dedicated to inspiring easy, funny, and deep, even philosophical, conversations with your family or friends. Foster your imagination and growth mindset! You are free to create the rules of the game yourself. Take your time and don’t rush to answer too quickly. Imagination needs time to “kick in”. It will be curious to see how you beat the challenge of un-seeing the first association! Will you be able to see a flower bud if you first see a dolphin breaking waves? One of the games is “Fun and deep conversations”: Pick a card, read the question aloud, dream for a few seconds, and answer. Let the others get their answers too. The more versions of the answer, the more it’s interesting! When everyone has spoken, draw another card. The questions are designed to be suitable for both children and adults. There is no one right answer. Some answers will make you laugh to tears, others will make you think about yourself and will inspire you to go after your dreams. And don’t be surprised if the little players outshine the adults in their imagination. Cards were made in mixed technique. First sketches were made on paper and then redrawn by hand with a digital pencil on screen. All images were edited and prepared for high-quality printing. 50 cards 60 x 90mm in size, Cardboard, Full-Color Printing. Box: thick black paper, sticker on the front and back.